Links shall light the path
Yes, links are still important. No, you shouldn't buy links. Yes,
you can guest blog your way to quality links. Yes, we ignore links if we
think they are sketchy. So where's the mystery? It lies in the
misconception that links are so important that their signals trump all
others. So many SEOs still think links are the holy grail. True link
building experts will tell you that getting an organic link is one of
the hardest things to accomplish online these days. Gone are the days
of simply asking for one from a site. Today, you need to be subversive
about it all. You need to create such compelling content that people
share it freely. Your social programs need to be so well focused,
tested and refined that you know exactly which hooks get action from
your followers. In the end, though, it all starts with quality, unique
content. If you wow your visitors with your content, and prove yourself
useful, they will share you with their friends. After all, everyone
wants to impress their friends being the first to share the next
coolest, most useful thing. If you're that thing, links shall follow.
All I need is UGC
Common thinking among too many bloggers is that getting some User
Generated Content (UGC) below your post will make your page unique.
This then opens up the idea that the blog post needn't be unique (enter
article sharing sites) , and that you can get others to effectively
create your content for you. Let's get real about this. There is very
little unique about content sourced from an article sharing site, so
that won't help. We can understand the difference between the content
created by the website and comments added by visitors. And while an
active, vibrant comunity can go along way to helping your site rank
better for all kinds of reasons, its tough to grow to this level. If
you want to leverage others to create content, hire a writer to create
unique content for your site. You'll fare better in the log run.
Auto-followers to the rescue
Don't fall for this one folks. If you think big numbers of followers
will point us in your direction, be careful. If we see you've got the
same number of people that you follow, you effectively net a zero. This
was touched on above, and yeah, there can be exceptions. Before you
set out to become one of those exceptions, though, better do a gut
check. What about your situation tells us you are an authority besides
just these social signals? The recommendation here is to avoid using
auto-follow services to grow your following. Do it the old fashioned
way: share useful content. Your followers will appreciate it and
recommend you to others.
In most cases, these myths, and others, persist because people are
constantly seeking short cuts. But they spend as much time looking for
short cuts as they would if they just invested in producing quality
content from the start. If you want to be seen as quality, it helps - a
lot - if you actually are quality. Think back to the '70's, '80's and
even earlier. Before the Internt existed for us to populate with
kittehs, notes about what we ate for lunch and online commerce, business
followed a standard idea: produce a business plan and follow it. A 5
year plan was often standard.
So why, oh why, do today's online business owners not treat their
online endevours in this manner? So many more would succeed if they
just treated their business like a business, and stopped seeking
shortcuts. Don't be sucked in by the myths. It still takes work to
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